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What's Different Between Black Tea and Green Tea? Find Out in Half Past Fate Pack

Between half past ten and eleven in the morning, police officers showed up at the building at Prinsengracht 263. SS Hauptscharführer Karl Silberbauer was in charge. At the warehouse on the ground floor, the officers addressed employee Willem van Maaren. He referred them to the first floor, where the office staff was. There are no indications that Willem, or the other warehouse workers, knew that there were people in hiding in the building.

Unfortunately, most packaging is designed as single-use, and is typically thrown away rather than reused or recycled. 6 According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), food and food packaging materials make up almost half of all municipal solid waste. 7

Half Past Fate pack

The gingham dog and the calico catSide by side on the table sat;'Twas half-past twelve, and (what do you think!)Not one nor t'other had slept a wink!The old Dutch clock and the Chinese plateAppeared to know as sure as fateThere was going to be a terrible spat.(I wasn't there; I simply stateWhat was told to me by the Chinese plate!)

The sea has been very smooth, nevertheless Mr. Magee has been very sick.Now he is better. As for me I have made no sign, though I have had someheadache and heartache. We are now past the Flattery Rocks, where we wereso roughly storm-tossed last winter, and Neah Bay, where we remained thirty-sixhours. How placid it seems now--the water black and gray with reflectionsfrom the cloudy sky, fur seals popping their heads up here and there, ducksand gulls dotting the small waves, and Indian fishing-boats towards theshore, each with a small glaring red flag flying from the masthead.Behind the group of white houses nestled in the deepest bend of thebay rise rounded, ice-swept hills, with mountains beyond them foldingin and in, in beautiful braids, and all densely forested. We are so nearthe shore that with the mate's glasses I can readily make out some of thespecies of the trees. The forest is in the main scarce at all differentfrom those of the Alaskan coast. Now the Cape Lighthouse is out of sightand we are fairly into the strait. Vancouver Island is on [the] left infine clear view, with forests densely packed in every hollow and over everyhill and mountain. How beautiful it is! How deep and shadowy its cañons,how eloquently it tells the story of its sculpture during the Age of Ice!How perfectly virgin it is! Ships loaded with Nanaimo coal and Puget Soundcoal and lumber, a half-dozen of them, are about us, beating their waydown the strait, and here and there a pilot boat to represent civilization,but not one sear on the virgin shore, nor the smoke of a hut or camp.I have just been speaking with a man who has spent a good deal of timeon the island. He says that so impenetrable is the underbrush, his partycould seldom make more than two miles a day though assisted by eight Indians.Only the shores are known.Now the wind is beginning to freshen and the small waves are tippedwith white, milk-white, caps, almost the only ones we have seen sinceleaving San Francisco. The Captain and first officer have been very attentiveto us, giving us the use of their rooms and books, etc., besides answeringall our questions anent the sea and ships.We shall reach Victoria about two or three o'clock. The Californiawill not sail before tomorrow sometime, so that we shall have plenty [of]time to get the charts and odds and ends we need before leaving. Mr. Mageewill undoubtedly go on to Wrangell, but will not be likely to stop over.Ten minutes past two by your clock

We sailed smoothly through the thousand evergreen isles, and arrivedat Fort Wrangell at 4.30 A.M. on the 8th. Left Wrangell at noon of thesame day and arrived here on the 9th at 6 A.M. Spent the day in friendlygreetings and saunterings. Found Mr. Vanderbilt and his wife and Johnnieand not every way least, though last, little Annie, who is grown in statureand grace and beauty since last I kissed her.To-day Mr. Vanderbilt kindly took myself and Mr. Magee and three otherfellow passengers on an excursion on his steamer up Peril Strait, aboutfifty miles. (You can find it on one of the charts that I forgot to bring.)We returned to the California about half-past nine, completing my way thusfar.And now for my future plans. The California sails to-morrow afternoonsome time for Fort Wrangell, and I mean to return on her and from thereset out on my canoe trip. I do not expect to be detained at Wrangell, inasmuchas I saw Mr. [S. Hall] Young, who promised to have a canoe and crew ready.I mean to keep close along the mainland, exploring the deep inlets in turn,at least as far north as the Taku, then push across to Cross Sound andfollow the northern shore, examining the glaciers that crowd into the deepinlet that puts back northward from near the south extremity of the Sound,where I was last year. Thence I mean to return eastward along the southernshore of the Sound to Chatham Strait, turn southward down the west shoreof the Strait to Peril Strait, and follow this strait to Sitka, where Ishall take the California. Possibly, however, I may, should I not be pushedfor time return to Wrangell. Mr. Magee will, I think, go with me, thoughvery unwilling to do so. . . .August 11th, at noon

Instead of coming here direct from Sitka we called at Klawak on Princeof Wales Island for freight,--canned salmon, oil, furs, etc.,--which detainedus a day. We arrived here last evening at half-past ten, Klawak is a fishingand trading station located in a most charmingly beautiful bay, and whilelying there, the evening before last, we witnessed a glorious auroral displaywhich lasted more than three hours. First we noticed long white lance shapedstreamers shooting up from a dark cloud-like mass near the horizon, thena well-defined arch, the corona, almost black, with a luminous edge appeared,and from it, radiating like spokes from a hub, the streamers kept shootingwith a quick glancing motion, and remaining drawn on the dark sky, distinct,and white, as fine lines drawn on a blackboard. And when half the horizonwas adorned with these silky fibrous lances of light reaching to and convergingat the zenith, broad flapping folds and waves of the same white aurorallight came surging on from the corona with astonishing energy and quickness,the folds and waves spending themselves near the zenith like waves on asmooth sloping sand-beach. But throughout the greater portion of theircourses the motion was more like that of sheet lightning, or waves madein broad folds of muslin when rapidly shaken; then in a few minutes thosedelicate billows of light rolled up among the silken streamers, would vanish,leaving the more lasting streamers with the stars shining through them;then some of the seemingly permanent streamers would vanish also, and appearagain in vivid white, like rockets shooting with widening base, their glowingshafts reflected in the calm water of the bay among the stars.It was all so rare and so beautiful and exciting to us that we gazedand shouted like children at a show, and in the middle of it all, afterI was left alone on deck at about half-past eleven, the whole sky was suddenlyillumined by the largest meteor I ever saw. I remained on deck until aftermidnight, watching. The corona became crimson and slightly flushed thebases of the streamers, then one by one the shining pillars of the gloriousstructure were taken down, the foundation arch became irregular and brokeup, and all that was left was only a faint structureless glow along thenorthern horizon, like the beginning of the dawn of a clear frosty day.The only sounds were the occasional shouts of the Indians, and the impressiveroar of a waterfall.Mr. Young and I have just concluded a bargain with the Indians, Lotand his friend, to take us in his canoe for a month or six weeks, at therate of sixty dollars per month. Our company will be those two Indians,and Mr. Young and myself, also an Indian boy that Mr. Young is to taketo his parents at Chilkat, and possibly Colonel Crittenden as far as HolkhamBay. . . .You will notice, dear, that I have changed the plan I formerly sentyou in this, that I go on to the Chilkat for Mr. Young's sake, and farther;now that Mr. Magee is out of the trip,I shall not feel the necessity I previously felt of getting back toSitka or Wrangell in time for the nextsteamer, though it is barely possible that I shall. Do not look for me,however, as it is likely I shall have my hands full for two months. To-morrowis Sunday, so we shall not get away before Monday, the 16th. How hard itis to wait so long for a letter from you! I shall not get a word untilI return. I am trying to trust that you will be patient and happy, andhave that work done that we talked of.Every one of my old acquaintances seems cordially glad to see me. Ihave not yet seen Shakes, the Chief, though I shall ere we leave. He isnow one of the principal church members, while Kadachan has been gettingdrunk in the old style, and is likely, Mr. Young tells me, to be turnedout of the church altogether. John, our last year's interpreter, is upin the Cassiar mines. Mrs. McFarlane, Miss Dunbar, and the Youngs are alluncommonly anxious to know you, and are greatly disappointed in not seeingyou here, or at least getting a peep at your picture. "Why could she nothave come up and stayed with us while you were about your ice business?"they ask in disappointed tone of voice.Now, my dear wife, the California will soon be sailing southward, andI must again bid you good-bye. I must go, but you, pay dear, will go withme all the way, How gladly when my work is done will I go back to thee!With love to mother and father, and hoping that God will bless and keepyou all, I am ever in heart and soul the same,John Muir

6 P.M. I have just dashed off a short "Bulletin" letter.The events that followed are graphically narrated in Part II of"Travels in Alaska." Eight days after his arrival at Fort Wrangell, Muirand Mr. Young got started with their party, which consisted of the twoStickeen Indians--Lot Tyeen and Hunter Joe--a half-breed named Smart Billy.There was also Mr. Young's dog Stickeen, whom. Mr. Muir at first acceptedrather grudgingly as a super-charge of the already crowded canoe, but wholater won his admiration and became the subject of one of the noblest dogstories in English literature.The course of the expedition led through Wrangell Narrows between Mitkoffand Kupreanof Islands, up Frederick Sound past Cape Fanshaw and acrossPort Houghton, and then up Stephens Passage to the entrance of HolkhamBay, also called Sumdum. Fourteen and a half hours up the Endicott Annof this bay, which Muir was the first white man to explore, he found theglacier he had suspected there--a stream of ice three quarters of a milewide and eight or nine hundred feet deep, discharging bergs with soundsof thunder. He had scarcely finished a sketch of it when he observed anotherglacial cañon on the west side of the fiord and, directing his crewto pull around a glaciated promontory, they came into full view of a secondglacier, still pouring its ice into a branch of the fiord. Muir gave thefirst of these glaciers the name Young in honor of his companion, who complainsthat some later chart-maker substituted the name Dawes, thus committingthe larceny of stealing his glacier.In retracing their course, after some days spent in exploring the headof the fiord, they struck a side-arm through which the water was rushingwith great force. Threading the narrow entrance, they found themselvesin what Muir described as a new Yosemite in the making. He called it YosemiteBay, and has fur. nished a charming description of its flora, fauna, andphysical characteristics in his "Travels in Alaska."On August 21st, Young being detained by missionary duties, Muir setout alone with the Indians to explore what is now known as the Tracy Armof Holkham Bay. The second day he found another kingly glacier hidden withinthe benmost bore of the fiord. "There is your lost friend," said the Indians,laughing, and as the thunder of its detaching bergs reached their ears,they added, "He says, Sagh-a-ya?" (How do you do?)After leaving Taku Inlet, Muir laid his course north through StephensPassage and around the end of Admiralty Island, where a camp was made onlywith difficulty. The next morning he crossed the Lynn Canal with his boatand crew and pitched camp, after a voyage of twenty miles, on the westend of Farewell Island, now Pyramid Island. Early the following day theyturned Point Wimbledon, crept along the lofty north wall of Cross Sound,and entered Taylor Bay. During a part of this trip, the canoe was exposedto a storm and swells rolling in past Cape Spencer from the open ocean.It was an undertaking that called for courage, skill, and hardihood ofno mean order.At the head of Taylor Bay, Muir found a great glacier consisting ofthree branches whose combined fronts had an extent of about eight miles.Camp was made near one of these fronts in the evening of August 29th. Earlythe following morning, Muir became aware that "a wild storm was blowingand calling," and before any one was astir he was off--too eager to stopfor breakfast--into the rain-laden gale, and out upon the glacier. It wasone of the great, inspired days of his life, immortalized in the storyof "Stickeen," the brave little dog[Mr. Muir received somany letters inquiring about the dog's antecedents that he asked Mr. Youngin 1897 to tell him what he knew of Stickeen's earlier history. Some readersmay be interested in his reply, which was as follows: "Mrs. Young got himas a present from Mr. H----, that Irish sinner who lived in a cottage upthe beach towards the Presbyterian Mission in Sitka."]that hadbecome his inseparable companion.Muir's time was growing short, so he hastened on with his party thenext day into Glacier Bay, where among other great glaciers he had discoveredthe previous autumn the one that now bears his name. Several days werespent there most happily, exploring and observing glacial action, and thenthe canoe was turned Sitka-ward by way of Icy, Chatham, and Peril Straits,arriving in time to enable him to catch there the monthly mail steamerto Portland. Thus ended the Alaska trip of 1880.II"After all, have you not found there is some happiness in this world outsideof glaciers, and other glories of nature?" The friend who put this questionto John Muir, in a letter full of pleasantries and congratulations, hadjust received from him a jubilant note announcing the arrival of a babydaughter on March 27th. His fondness of children now had scope for indulgenceat home, and he became a most devoted husband and father.But for the time being he was to be deprived of this new domestic joy.For when he received an invitation to accompany the United States Revenuesteamer Corwin on an Arctic relief expedition in search of DeLong and theJeannette, it was decided in family council that so unusual an opportunityto explore the northern parts of Alaska and Siberia must not be neglected.His preparations had to be made in great haste while the citizens of Oaklandwere giving a banquet in honor of Captain C. L. Hooper and the officersof the Corwin at the Galinda Hotel in Oakland on April 29th. Fortunately,the Captain was an old friend whom he had known in Alaska and to whom 161he could entrust the purchase of the necessary polar garments from thenatives in Bering Straits.The Corwin sailed from San Francisco on May 4, 1881, and the followingseries of letters was written to his wife during the cruise. They supplementat many points the more formal account of his experiences published in"The Cruise of the Corwin." One of the objectives of the expedition wasWrangell Land in the Arctic Ocean, north of the Siberian coast, becauseit had been the expressed intention of Commander DeLong to reach the NorthPole by traveling along its eastern coast, leaving cairns at intervalsof twenty-five miles. It was not known at this time that Wrangell Landdid not extend toward the Pole, but was an island of comparatively smallextent. It was found later, by the log of the Jeannette, that the vesselhad drifted, within sight of the island, directly across the meridiansbetween which it lies. While the Corwin was still searching for her andher crew, the Jeannette was crushed in the ice and sank on June 12, 1881,in the Arctic Ocean, one hundred and fifty miles north of the New SiberianIslands.Meanwhile Captain Hooper succeeded in penetrating, with the Corwin,the ice barrier that surrounded Wrangell Land. So far as known, thefirst human beings that ever stood upon the shores of this mysterious islandwere in Captain Hooper's landing party, August 12, 1881, and John Muirwas of the number. The earliest news of the event, and of the fact thatDeLong had not succeeded in touching either Herald Island or Wrangell Land,reached the world at large in a letter from Muir published in the "SanFrancisco Evening Bulletin," September 29, 1881.Since the greater part of the first two letters, written to his wifeat sea and while approaching Unalaska, was quoted in the writer's introductionto "The Cruise of the Corwin," they are omitted here for the sake of brevity. To Mrs. Muir 2ff7e9595c

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